Inclusion is a common thread that runs through all of the activities in our school and all pupils follow the curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. Our approach to SEND places children with additional needs at the heart of personalised learning and we strive to make adaptations and remove barriers so that children can access the curriculum which is appropriate for them.
In addition, our curriculum is tailored through differentiation or scaffolding to meet individual pupil’s needs. To successfully match pupil ability to the curriculum Durham Gilesgate Primary School remains committed to provide:
- A range of teaching and learning styles
- Differentiated learning materials
- Access to ICT and Technology
- Additional in class support
- Additional out of class support
- Enrichment and Enjoyment opportunities to stimulate and motivate learning
- Flexible groupings – including small group support work
- The appropriate use of rewards and sanctions
- A range of extra-curricular activities,
- Assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements
- Applications during national testing at Key Stage 2 to obtain access arrangements as appropriate
In Durham Gilesgate Primary School you will find that the vast majority of SEN pupils will be learning in class alongside their peers. Some children benefit from additional provision such as speech therapy, sensory programmes, social groups, or counseling to help them become successful in school. We also use some small group support, both inside class or outside of class to help children learn and practice new knowledge.
Our school building is on one level and is accessible for wheel chair users. We have three sets of disabled toilets located in different parts of the building and we have two height adjustable changing tables. We work with occupational therapist to ensure that any specialist equipment is set up correctly and that staff are trained to use it. In addition, we ensure that staff receive training in diabetes and that those working with diabetic children have specific training. All school staff engage in annual deaf awareness training.
More details on how we adapt information, our environment and curriculum can be found in the Accessibility Plan which you ca find in the School Policies section of our website.