On this page you will find information about:
- Definition of the Curriculum
- Curriculum Plans and the Curriculum Drivers
- Curriculum Content – The sequencing of the curriculum
- Phonics and Early Reading
- Curriculum Access for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Further Information About Our Curriculum
- The PE timetable for 2021-2022
Definition of the Curriculum
The Curriculum is made up from all the planned learning and teaching that the school organises in order to promote academic achievement, personal growth and development. There are two different curricula in school; the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework for children in nursery and reception and the National Curriculum for children in Years 1 to 6.
Both curricula include, not only the statutory requirements, but also the range of additional opportunities that the school organises to enhance the experiences of our children. A wide range of ‘Enjoyment and Enrichment’ opportunities are available to our children across all year groups and enhance the curriculum offer.
Our Curriculum also includes the social and emotional aspects of learning that underpin self-esteem and personal development. The Investing in Children Award demonstrates the importance of children making positive contributions to our school and local community and in having high expectations of behaviour and tolerance towards each other. This is a large part of our PSHE and RSE scheme.
Curriculum Plans and the Curriculum Drivers
The curriculum plans are underpinned by three curriculum drivers and these ensure that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children is present throughout the whole curriculum.
The first of these drivers is ‘values’ and we have introduced and embedded the explicit teaching of values, including British Values, into the curriculum. The sequencing of these values has recently been revised to closely match and support the learning in our PSHE and RSE curriculum.
The second driver is ‘heritage and opportunity’ and through this we seek to recognise the diverse cultural backgrounds of our children and the aspirations that we have for them.
The third driver is ‘growth mind-set.’ Using this we aim to foster the character education of our children and also their ability to take ownership of learning, to develop pro-social behaviours, resilience and the ability to persevere.
Curriculum Content – The sequencing of the curriculum
The link on the right to curriculum content will take you to a new page where each subject is shown. By clicking on each tile, you will get subject specific information.
Starting in the 2020-2021 academic year, each subject has gone through a review where the subject leaders have taken the medium-term planning and have precisely sequenced the order in which knowledge, concepts and skills are taught. We have done this because the order in which children do, know and remember different skills, knowledge and concepts in each subject, is vital for them to make strong links between concepts and build learning over time.
We have seen the positive benefits of sequencing the curriculum in this way. For example; children in lower Key Stage 2 have learned about rocks and soil in science. The following year; when the same children were on a field study visit in geography,to learn about erosion and deposition, they were able to recall and use their knowledge and vocabulary of sedimentary and igneous rocks and why certain rock types would be eroded more easily.
As we move through the current academic year subject leaders are evaluating the outcomes of the curriculum by looking at work, and talking to children and colleagues. By doing this, the medium-term plans and sequencing of the curriculum will be further refined.
Phonics and Early Reading
The ability to read is an essential skill for progression across the curriculum. To find out more about how we promote phonics and early reading please click here Phonics and Early Reading or follow the links on the right.
Curriculum Access for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Inclusion is a common thread that runs through all the activities in our school and all pupils follow the curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. Our approach to SEND places children with additional needs at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum is tailored to meet individual pupil’s needs. At times and when it is felt appropriate, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented.
At Durham Gilesgate Primary School we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.
Further information can be found in the SEN Information Report. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Further Information About Our Curriculum
Parents and members of the public can find out more about the National Curriculum that we follow by contacting the school or by emailing gilesgateprimary@durhamlearning.net or view or download the National Curriculum Overview for 2020/2021.
PE Timetable Spring Term 2022
- Nursery
- Year 4/5 Mrs Fowler – swimming
- Year 6 Mrs Matthews
- Year 3/4 Miss Smithson
- Reception Mrs Bancroft
- Year 1 and 2 Mrs Stringer
- Year 1 Mrs Stubbs
- Year 2 Mrs Stringer
- Year 3/4 Miss Smithson
- Year 4/5 Mrs Fowler
- Year 6 – swimming
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