This is a test page for new tables
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 2 | Summer 2 |
History | Geography | History | Geography | History | Geography6> |
Y1/Y2 cycle A | I'm making History | What can I find? | Spot the difference (Changes withing living memory) Toy Focus | Wherever next? (Meerkat Mail) | Why are some places special? (Durham Cathedral) | Why is my world wonderful? |
Y1/Y2 cycle B | I'm making History | What can I find? | Fantastic Firsts (George Stevenson and Grace Darling) | Where shall we go? (Holidays) | Holidays now and then (Seaside) | What is my country like? |
Y3 | Who were Britain's first builders? | Is the UK the same everywhere? | Greeks | Why is the North East so special ? (Landmarks) | Why did the Romans march through Durham? | Why do we have cities? |
Y4 | What was daily life like for the Romans? | What can we discover about Europe | Anglo Saxon study | Why does Italy shake and roar? | Were the Vikings really vicious ? | Why is the North East so special? (Rivers) |
Y5 | How was making history? (Egyptians) | Where can we go ? (Fantastic Jouneys) | Maya | What shapes my world? (weather and biomes) | Study of change over time (Industrial Revolution) | Where has my food come from? |
Y6 | The Battle of Britain | Local Fieldwork study of Gilesgate | Word War I | What do places have in common? (destination Sao Paulo) | Has life got better for children in Britain? | Fantasic Forests (why are they so important) |