Remote Learning
We have our home-learning offer in place and we sent you information about this in September 2020. Our staff are regularly working with the children so that they are familiar with Purple Mash and the other software that we will use for our remote learning offer.
We want to let you know that if we do end up with a class or group being sent home to self-isolate or if we do end up with a full school closure; then the work sent home by staff is mandatory and we will expect every child to be accessing their learning unless they are ill. If they are too ill to work then parents must let staff know through the ‘2 email’ system or via the school email.
Please see our Remote learning Policy here
Internet Safety for Remote Learning.
Please see our online safety page.
Catch Up Premium
The Government have made some additional funding available to schools to help children catch up on learning they might have lost out on during the summer term.
Information about our Catch Up Premium Strategy can be found here.
Safeguarding and Behaviour Policies
Both policies have been updated to reflect the most recent version of Keeping Children Safe in Education and the COVID-19 pandemic
They can be found in School Policies
Health and Safety Risk Assessment
The most recent Health and Safety Risk Assessment to support the re-opening of school can be found here.